Wednesday, March 30, 2005

N+1 is a new literary/cultural magazine published twice yearly. In the Spring 2005 issue, George Scialabba skewers Christopher Hitchens quite well, I thought. (Sorry, no link available to the essay. Go out and buy the mag. to help it get off the ground.)
Thank You For Not Reading
by Dubravka Ugresic

A collection of short essays on writing, exile, globalization and publishing as a business from a Yugoslavian essayist and fiction writer who emigrated to the U.S. in 1993. A terse paragraph I liked:

"The contemporary colonizer is the market. The market vacuums up every resistance, takes into account every criticism and even anticipates it, turning it to its own profit. The market colonizes us without our being aware of it and does so with our own values, whether they are called identity, ethnicity, the right to difference, or anything else. It is hard to imagine effective reistance to money, media potentates, conglomerates, the monopoly of distribution chains, or "market fundamentalism" as such."